2024 St Paul Island CY9C DXpedition

2024 St Paul Island CY9C DXpedition coming up for August 26 – September 5 2024. A lot of members of this DXpedition were also part of the 2023 CY0S DXpedition to Sable Island, which was a hugely successful DXpedition. CY9C details here

DXpedition Facebook Link

I can not wait to hunt down these guys on as many bands as possible.

FT4GL – DXpedition to Glorioso Islands

FT4GL – DXpedition to Glorioso Islands

The DXpedition to Glorioso Islands started a couple of days ago. Being the #7 most wanted DXCC entity, there is going to be some massive pile-ups, on SSB in particular. There will be no CW coming out of this dxpedition, probably because they do not have a team member that is CW proficient.

DX World’s FT4GL updates.

For more information, see the FT4GL blog site for the latest news.

The big DXPedition FT8 money grab, or not?

The new trend in big DXpeditions? Maybe so. With an average of $5 cost to get your QSO’s confirmed on LOTW, then pay ARRL for the awards? I don’t thing so, as running and funding a large DXpedition is by no means cheap. As for me, I’ll gladly pay $5 to get my confirmations. Yes, the DXpeditions get donations to carry out the these adventures, but you’d be hard pressed to call the DXpeditions lucurative. But, who am I to say? You be the judge. Read on.

The Big FT8 Money Grab