Packing our bikes up, and rode up to Shawnee State Park, OH (6/11 – 6/14), for a long weekend with motorcycle friends on ST-Owners.com. 450 miles later, we arrived, with beautiful weather. Had a little rain on the way up, however.
Excellent ride on Friday, roughly 220 miles of pristine OH, KY an WV roads.
Some images from both days. There are quite a few hillbilly eating outfits that serve excellent food, and we sure took advantage of it. Excellent roads, Saturday in particular, dropping down into Daniel Boone NF, KY. The last few images are from the flood-wall in Portsmouth, OH, where the wall has been painted with murals for a 1/3 mile stretch. Beautiful.
Lois was riding her Can-Am Spyder RT Limited. I was on my BMW S1000 XR, the perfect bike for these roads. Love that bike.